The Lumicall web site now offers free calling from this web site to any user with Lumicall.

This service is powered by WebRTC, a new standard for using a web browser as a telephone.

For your security, no plugin is required. Sites that do ask you to download third-party plugins add an extra element of risk as each and every plugin you install potentially contains new backdoors for gathering your personal data. Therefore, Lumicall has implemented this service in a plugin-free manner.

Please make sure you have the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or another modern web browser supporting WebRTC.


Please ask questions on the Free Real-time Communications mailing list sponsored by FSF Europe.

You can use the JavaScript console in your web browser to see protocol messages and other helpful troubleshooting messages generated by the JsSIP code.

You can use the logcat utility from the Android Developer Toolkit (download) to see the SIP messaging and other logging from the phone running Lumicall.